Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Paleo Schmaleo

So as befits someone who calls herself 'GluttonGirl', I've tried one or two slimming regimes in my time. And while I haven't been what an objective observer would call slim for about 20 years, they have been with limited success. What I do know though, is that when I want to drop a pound or 50, dropping the refined carbs seems to be the best way to do it (for me). I'm sure a proper expert would tell me why etc etc and I do think that once I start on the bread I JUST CAN'T STOP so I find it easier to keep away from anything refined/sugary.

Which brings me neatly to paleo. GluttonBoy has talked about this for a while and we've occasionally tried to do it, in a half-hearted fashion. The trouble with it, in my view, is that if you're out and about, and don't have anything with you to eat, and are starving, or at a client lunch or something like that, it's bread all the way. But, if you implement it in a sort of 80/20 fashion, then it does become do-able, with a bit of planning.

No refined carbs, no potatoes, no starch, no grains or pulses, no dairy. I ignore the dairy otherwise I won't have any breakfast - a greek yoghurt seems to do the trick. At the weekend we are enjoying eggs and smoked salmon, or bacon and mushrooms and things like that. I would KILL for a loaf of Sourdough slathered in butter, but that's because I'm fundamentally greedy and sourdough slathered in butter is nice.

What are you eating I hear you ask? Good question. Protein, nice salads, sweet potatoes, almonds. A lot of eggs. It's not so bad. Almonds are a filling mid-afternoon snack. Fruit and veg. Avocados. Paleo purists are no doubt in a swoon but for the first week it seems to be ok - despite 3 dinners out and carby and hardly any exercise on my part I've lost 5lbs and GluttonBoy 7. So he wants it to be 'for life'. We'll see. So 5lbs down, 80 to go. I'm 1/16 of the way. Practically home and dry.


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