Sunday, March 13, 2011

The right time and place

So much of food pleasure is about location and timing. The most obvious example is fish and chips eaten outdoors at the seaside. While I like eating them with my feet in the briney deep, I also like eating them while sitting in a bus shelter trying to keep out if the wind.
And I could think of tons more- cold beer on a summer Friday evening, outdoors. Hot crumpets after a cold long walk. Egg and chips on a Saturday lunchtime with the merest suggestion of a hangover...
To that I will add the first mr whippy of the year, in an urban park, while it is still a bit on the chilly side. For the benefit of any overseas readers I should explain that mr whippy refers to an ice cream bought from a van that plays music, decorated with strawberry sauce and a flake. It's soft in texture and ice cream snobs will tell you that it is high in whale fat and low in proper dairy and real ingredients, and they are right. I am in fact also an ice cream snob but I do love a mr whippy. Regular readers will know my love of the cheap and the processed and it has to be said that mr whippy offers a muted kind of pleasure. Still, on a coldish day in a muddy park in deepest SE London, it tasted pretty good. GluttonBoy had an Oyster- which is a bit weird but at least it wasn't a screwball.

With love from GluttonGirl

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