Saturday, February 20, 2010

In which GG explains long absence

So, I'm aware it's been over two months since my last post and in the blogosphere (shoot me now for using that phrase) that is pretty much a capital offence. Here's a quick digest of what's been going on in Glutton-world.

Christmas - pretty much the high point of the glutton household's year. I went to Glutton sister for Christmas and ate my own body weight in roast potatoes. GluttonBoy went to Glutton sister in law and also ate his own body weight in roast potatoes. I also did my favourite boxing day meal - a buffet comprising a full range of pastry/pork/cheesy foods.

New year saw as at the lovely Darby household, for lovely curry. Less lovely was the Guinness and Drambuie cocktail. Sorry Mark. We'd brought Taittinger as it was on sale at Asda for £15 a bottle. That's us really - Taittinger tastes, Asda budget. I also made a pavlova and cranberry cheesecake cupcakes, which were hugely appreciated by the teenage boys present.

We were put onto this by our friends Sim and Martine. Sim is a barman with a taste for good wine, Martine is a chef and we have had some really great meals with them. They invited us for dinner and it was fantastic - great company, wine, food wasn't intimidating, they were v v hospitable. Good all round.

I made cranberry chutney. I am mad for cranberries and as they have such a short life I by them up and freeze so I can cook with them all year.

January wasn't a great month. My wonderful father had a heart attack and passed away. He was very fit and healthy and also a bit gluttony. He loved cheesecake and other cake and biscuits and chocolate but kept himself reined in. He also loved typical jewish food like bagels with saltbeef and latkes. He laughed at me many times for my sneery London foody ways, like knowing that the green leaves on the plate were Lollo Rosso. RIP Dad.

So, hence the GG silence. But, as I did last year, I am now trying again to combine a love of food with a relatively lowfat existence as GluttonBoy has inherited high cholesterol and I have a history of heart disease in the family. Jill Dupleix is my new heroine.

Anyway, expect to hear more of me from now on.

Lots of love