Wednesday, November 25, 2009


So I know it's been very quiet on the GluttonGirl front, which is breaking the cardinal rule of blogging, but in my defence work has been mental, I've been doing lots of extra-curricular things and also been flat hunting for a bigger home for the Gluttons. The least said the better about the flat hunting but suffice to say I've not been doing a whole load of cooking. Having said that, I've done a fair bit of baking but still been struggling to find my kitchen love.

Hurrah hurrah though, that is all set to change. GB and I are off to Lille on Saturday for the day, courtesy of We Are Social. We went last year for our wedding anniversary and pretty much spent the weekend stumbling from food shop to eating place and back again. I also came home laden with all manner of yummy things culled from chic delis, chocolateries, bakeries and the large supermarket. A whole suitcase worth, in fact.

This year we are even more excited as the christmas market will be on and I particularly have my eye on gingerbread, some nice meat of some kinds and almost certainly cheese. I also plan to buy some more amazing chocolates, some foie gras of some kind and also again pop into Carrefour for all manner of french supermarket yumminess. We're taking lots of bags to bring it all back and also going to the bookshop to pick up some cookbooks, as if we don't have enough. I love Lille. It is big enough to feel like a proper town, is manageable in size and its the sort of food GB and I really love - meat, cheese, beer and potatoes. None of this mediterrean nonsense. Proper, cream-filled, rib-stickers.

On another note, I also uploaded my entry into the podcast competition - I made some chocolate caramel muffins. The prize is the chance to film a podcast (or pudcast!) with Phil Vickery.

Will update on return from La Belle France.

Lots of love


Sunday, November 15, 2009

In which the Glutton household gets a new addition

You may have noticed (or you may not) that all has been a bit quiet from GG lately. The house has been totally preoccupied with our new arrival, the most gorgeous new ginger kitten called, somewhat improbably, Whitney Houston. Our last cat, the beloved Polly, had been old when we got her and a sedate lady, happy to while away the days snoozing on laps. WH is only happy when she's climbing, biting, or sprinting round our small flat chasing ping pong balls. Lucky for her she's the cutest kitten we've ever seen otherwise it would be slightly dispiriting. Anyway, what with Whitney and GB working late shifts all week I haven't been doing a whole lot of cooking, and what I have been doing has been quick and not especially worth reporting.

The arrival of the cold weather though (and urrgh, wasn't yesterday vile?) means the reappearance of some Glutton household favourites, macaroni cheese, toad in the hole, pie... GB loves a pie and when he's been especially nice he does get rewarded with one - chicken and vegetable or cherry, depending on his mood.

On the subject of pie, I have three tins of pumpkin puree in the cupboard, waiting for thanksgiving. I plan a pumpkin pie (using the recipe on the back of the Libby's tin which, according to the bible that is Saveur magazine, is the best one of all and the most authentic) and possibly even some pumpkin cupcakes from the Hummingbird Bakery book. While I think that book isn't the easiest to use, the recipes are fantastic and have elicited some great comments, so I'm persevering!

More soon, lots of love


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In which Glutton Girl feels a bit sad, then a bit better

So, as you can imagine, with a name like Glutton Girl, I'm not exactly sylph like. You don't need to take out a window to get me out of the house, but still. But my husband likes me and as much as I would love to be slightly slimmer, I love food too much to say no to a second helping. Or even a first helping. But, this week, the doctor was a bit mean and told me to lose weight and lower my blood pressure. Now I have no desire to become a diabetes-ridden hag, so have decided to take action before I'm forced to really give up what I love most. The question is, is it possible to be a low-cal Glutton Girl? Big flavours are the way to go, so I'm thinking pan-Asian. Vegetarian is good also so I'm thinking south Indian. Giving chicken some flavour would help, so I'm thinking Lebanese/Arab spicing. Actually, doesn't sound so bad. Tonight's dinner (planned before the advent of the new regime) is paella with chorizo, pork, spinach and peppers. Apart from the chorizo its not the worst thing in the world. And tomorrow the lunchtime walking club starts at work, Saturday is the first bellydance class and next Thursday is my first session... of boxing training! And not just to bop the doctor on the nose.
Will keep you posted on how it goes - fingers crossed I don't go too crazy...

Lots of love